Thursday, January 3, 2008

Of mice and men

Well...the party dude (MB)decided to call back after all. I (as a real bitch would) decided to ignore the phone call. Then I spent the next 2 days biting my nails and wondering if/when I should call back (the way an amateur would). It turns out the waiting was for nothing because he called back again a couple days later. So we spoke for a little bit and had an interesting, although somewhat nervous (at least for me) conversation. The major thing I learned from this convo is that he is single and has been for the past year, after getting out of a 9-year (gasp!) relationship. I did remember to make sure that I got off the phone first. +5 for me :-).

I decided to send MB a "Happy New Year" text message on Tuesday, but I've heard nothing back since then. :-(. Although I am somewhat curious, one of my fatal flaws is that I'm impatient and tend to lose interest somewhat quickly. I feel that if he was really interested, I probably would have heard from him already. Instead, I may be "on the team". Considering that a few months/years ago I couldn't even pay for someone to take my number, this seems to be an improvement. But if there's one thing I know, it's "don't make someone a priority when you're only their option". So I'll give him one more call...and depending on how that goes, I may drop a hint about going out. If that doesn't work out, then MB will be erased.

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